Itinerary Booking™
/īˈtinəˌrerē,iˈtin-/ˈbo͝okiNG/ noun A system that makes booking spa appointments online as simple and comfortable as with an agent A way to make booking groups as easy as booking individuals The fastest way to increase your online revenue by up to 50% A feature of ROBE for Spa, the best spa software, only available through Ryatta Group
What is Itinerary Booking™?
A booking system that gives you: Comfortable, conversation-like user experiences. Group bookings that are as easy as individuals. Multiple treatments per guest. Optimized schedule recommendations. Higher revenues, higher ROI.

How does it work?

Like a front desk agent, only faster. Rather than having guests tediously schedule each treatment individually, Itinerary Booking can schedule a whole group simultaniously: ROBE for Spa listens to what the booker wants, capturing all treatments for all guests in a group. The Itinerary Booking algorithm runs, asking key questions of your scheduling system to identify the best itinerary options. ROBE for Spa presents the optimized results, allowing the guest to choose from a list of the best of the best itinerary options.
What can it do for me?
Itinerary Booking can improve revenue over your current solution by up to 50%
(And if you don’t have a current solution, you might as well start with the best)
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