We love to talk about how technology makes a big difference to your guests. Spas want to be sure that our services will create value for their customers. So it’s common for us to ask “What are you main concerns about our services?” Here are the most common responses to that question:

“Things are going fine right now.  Why would I change anything?”
Because things are changing around you.  The market is shifting: customers are savvier – they want a way to book from anywhere, at any time of day; customers have less time – they prefer to use the most efficient means to book; your guests are value-oriented – they want to review your offerings before booking. Online booking addresses all of these changes giving your website a new, fresh look and giving your customers the impression that you are listening to them.

“We didn’t budget for this, and can’t afford it right now.  Contact us next year.”
Based on this statement, you’re leaving money on the table.  The cost of deploying our booking system is much lower than a physical renovation, and delivers benefits far longer than a promotional campaign.  It’s probably the smartest way to invest in your spa today.  The sooner you deploy an online booking system, the sooner you tap that new revenue stream which, based on a survey of our customers, will more than pay for the cost of the system. Why would you wait?

“How do we know our customer’s data will be safe?”
We are fully PCI certified, a exacting process that ensures our systems are well protected to handle the most sensitive information – credit cards.  We constantly monitor our systems, and have received an “A” security rating for our communications with customer browsers and your spa management system.

“How do we know you’ll deliver what we need?”
You don’t need to take our word for it.  You can see examples of our work here, here, and here. We obsess over our customer experiences, and some of the largest brands have trusted us to deliver a booking experience better than any other.

If your question or concern is not mentioned above, we would be happy to discuss it with you. Please contact us.

Interest piqued?  Learn more here.

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David Andrews is a Canadian web developer and President of Ryatta Group. David founded Ryatta Group to build hospitality web applications, releasing SpaDirect, a successful and innovative real-time spa booking platform in 2012. Since that time, he and his team have built market share through a series of innovations, including the groundbreaking Itinerary Booking™ system, which improves online spa revenue by as much as 50% over the competition.