
Looking back on 2014, I realize now just how many new features we released for ROBE for Spa. Each quarter was something significant. Here is a summary of the highlights from last year:
Q1 (Feb 1, 2014) Ryatta launches what I believe to be the most ambitious upgrade to our service since it launched. Itinerary Booking, part of our new Luxury theme, allows multiple guests to book multiple treatments at the same time. This innovation was awarded a government grant for innovation – they know a good thing when they see it. We have completed two studies which show a 50% increase in online bookings over traditional booking flows (i.e. everyone else).
Q2 (June 13, 2014) Ryatta launches upgrades that simplify the interactions between our system and SpaSoft. These upgrade make our solution even more “hands-off” – ensuring critical information flow both from and to SpaSoft at appropriate moments before, during and after the booking is made online.
Q3 (September 29, 2014) Ryatta launches the Instant Stats dashboard, allowing you to see for the first time how much you have earned online up to the second. These numbers are shown at the top of the page immediately after you log in to your admin control panel. It’s a great way to quantify your success with our solution. You will find additional stats in the offer we posted (immediately below your Instant Stats).
Q4 (January 15, 2015) Over the holidays we completed our new yield management solution. This upgrade makes it super-simple to set up weekend pricing. It also works for introducing pricing changes (for instance when moving in-/out-of-season). Like all things we do, we integrate cleanly with SpaSoft. You simply set up the yields in SpaSoft, and click import. It’s that easy!
Ryatta works hard to make this a winning solution for you. We carefully choose upgrades with an emphasis on those that: simplify your lives, make it easier to manage your spa or bring in more business and new revenue (preferably all three!). With the exception of the Luxury theme (which requires a bit of extra effort on our part to launch) these upgrades were all offered free to existing customers. They are our way of letting our customers know we appreciate their business.
Ryatta’s ROBE for Spa is a guest-friendly, highly customizable solution for web and mobile spa booking that is ready to meet the above challenges. We’ll deliver a beautiful, secure online offering for your website. Best of all, based on a survey of our customers who have implemented the above, you can expect a high payback (ROI) from online booking. Now is the time to take it to the next level. Contact Ryatta today to find out how we can help.

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David Andrews is a Canadian web developer and President of Ryatta Group. David founded Ryatta Group to build hospitality web applications, releasing SpaDirect (renamed ROBE for Spa), a successful and innovative real-time web and mobile spa booking platform in 2012. Since that time, he and his team have built market share through a series of innovations, including the groundbreaking Itinerary Booking™ system, which improves online spa revenue by as much as 50% over the competition.